The Radium
The Radium borders the Frontenpark and differentiates itself by numerous characteristic buildings that lend themselves particularly to (re)creative and cultural activities.

From past to future
The Radium has a rich rubber history. A past that is still visible in the existing buildings. For example in the 45-meter high Radium chimney, the 'Kunstfront' and the LAB building. The former Municipal Gas Factory (a.k.a. Cokesfactory) dates from the early twentieth century. The large green Gashouder at the Stadsweide was built in the 1950s. Thanks to the relocation of the landing of the Noorderbrug, Het Radium is now in a highly visible and optimally accessible location.

New business
Various (re)creative companies have found permanent accommodation in the LAB building. The monumental Cokesfactory has been sold to designer Valentin Loellmann, who establishes his studio here. The Kunstfront - the former headquarters of rubber manufacturer Radium Foam - is being renovated in anticipation of a new destination. The Gashouder is also expected to have a new destination in the (near) future. Want to know more? Check out www.hetradium.nl.

The Radium in the picture
Thanks to our photographer Fred Berghmans we have a beautiful photo collection at our disposal. All photos can be viewed on Flickr Belvédère Maastricht.